Did you know typical energy gels on the market contain:

  • Around 10 - 12 ingredients
  • Around 5 - 10 additives including artificial sweeteners, preservatives, binding agents, texturizing agents, and antioxidants.

Why Some Ingredients Could Be Harmful:

We discovered that certain additives in your typical energy gels such as GU, SIS and Applied Nutrition to name a few could have adverse effects on your body. For example:

  • 👎🏻Acesulfame K/Sucralose (artificial sweetener): Linked to increased risks of cancer, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and chronic inflammation in the digestive tract.
  • 👎🏻Sodium Benzoate (preservative): Could be REPROTOXIC- meaning it could harm a person's ability to reproduce. HEPOTOTOXIC- meaning harmful to the liver. NEPHROTOXIC- meaning a process that occurs when kidneys are damaged and IMMUNOTOXIC- meaning adverse effects on local and systemic immune systems.
  • 👎🏻Ascorbic Acid (antioxidant): When mixed with Sodium Benzoate, they could form Benzene a group 1 carcinogenic compound. This mixture might also trigger gastrointestinal issues, asthma attacks, skin reactions, and effects on the nervous system.

Be mindful of these ingredients, as they not only appear in sports nutrition products but also in many everyday foods.

The reason Purendure exists

Did you know that our findings were the catalyst for creating Purendure? We asked over 1,000 consumers why they use products with these ingredients. The top three reasons were:

1. We didn't know.
2. Chemical filled gels are cheap.
3. We can't find a natural alternative product on the market.

Purendure's Commitment to Education

We are dedicated to educating consumers. We've educated over 12,000 people through sampling our energy gels and reached thousands more through our social media campaigns.

Purendure's Competitive Pricing

We know natural products, comes at an extra cost, but we wanted to break down those barriers. Our mission is to provide natural energy gels at a fair price without charging extortionate amounts.

Purendure Energy Gels Are Now Available!

You can purchase our energy gels through our website, selected gyms and through TikTok shop. We are keen to stock our gels in as many places as possible, so keep your eyes on our retailer's page.


Yuka Additive app breaks down and gives scientific sources for each additive


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